Donald Craig

The Photographic Collection of 

Donald  Craig  (1957-59) - Art

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Alumni from 1957-59 at the 2007 reunion

Tony Crimlisk

The Photographic Collection of Tony Crimlisk 


After National Service in the RAF as a radar mechanic (1953-55), Tony Crimlisk trained at Bretton Hall from 1956-58, and followed this up with a year’s training at the Trinity College of Music in London.

After seeing the Bretton Hall website early in 2015, he sent a CD of images from his days at Bretton in the 1950s.  An extract from his accompanying letter is displayed below.



"… Enclosed is a CD of Bretton photos from the years 1956-8.  I can’t be certain about the exact year for each photo, but I got a letter telling me that I had been accepted for Bretton on Sept 18th 1956 and term started the following day – obviously it was a near thing and I was only narrowly accepted!   In September 1958 I started a supplementary year at Trinity College of Music, London so all the photos are within that time frame.

"We lived of course in the house.  In the second year I shared the King Henry VIII room with Michael (later Inigo) Jackson and Brian Baines (later Yorkshire TV presenter.)  Best friend was Liz Horner – believe it or not (although I was 21) she was also my first ever girlfriend  –  I’d of course been in National Service for two years. 

"In year two it was Peter White with whom I started the Camera Club and who was Best Man at my wedding to Gill Davies, who was in Peter’s year at Bretton, although I didn’t know her until we accidentally met at the 21st birthday party of another Bretton student, Sybil Chambers, in London in 1961.   Small world!

"Obviously many of the photos will be unsuitable but you might as well have them all.  I did wonder about the one where I am impersonating Tarzan!  My wife, however, thought I should include it as it shows a different side to college!  I think we were rehearsing a sketch  –  or maybe we were just fooling around."


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Idris Rees

Idris Rees

1959-61  Music

“Finally, my two years came to an end.  I was to be released into the world of work, ready to inspire young people with my love of music and provided with the tools to accomplish this.”

In his Reminiscence, Idris Rees tells us that his childhood experiences were those of a working-class family in a mining village in Swansea Valley.  He presents a vibrant and interesting recollection of his experiences in adjusting to life, study and recreation at Bretton.

Carol Stirrup images

The Photographic Collection of Carol Broom (nee Stirrup).

Carol Stirrup attended Bretton Hall College from 1961 to 1964.  Her main study was Mathematics, a subject which, together with Science, had been introduced in 1960.  There were only nine Mathematics students at Bretton in the 1961 group.

Carol's collection of photographs were all taken during her period at Bretton.

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Martial Rose

Fabian Martial Rose (Tutor)

1952-65    Head of English;  Head of Drama;  Head of Education

"In a significant way, I think that my real education began at Bretton."

Martial Rose's Reminiscence relates the fond memories of his first year at Bretton Hall as a lecturer in English and Drama.  His recollection is of warm relationships with his colleagues and the support of the Principal.  In a reminiscence that is so redolent of the period,  he recalls that he owned a 1937 Morris 12 car "with a running-board".

Although not considered in this reminiscence, Martial Rose later earned national acclaim for his achievements in translating mediaeval texts and subsequently directing the 1958 production of twenty of the Wakefield Mystery Plays at Bretton Hall.   Referring to Martial's achievements, Dr. Alyn Davies, one of the later Principals of Bretton Hall commented:

"This must be the single most significant act of scholarship at Bretton."

To read Martial Rose's Reminiscence click on the link below.

Martial Rose Reminiscence

Gordon Curl

Gordon Curl (Tutor)

1954-60   Movement & Dance

"I was very proud of, and full of admiration for, my Bretton Hall students who had done their utmost to demonstrate, unequivocally, the powerful creative influence of Laban's legacy."

From 1954 to 1960,   Gordon Curl introduced Bretton Hall's male students to the imaginative application of creative dance in schools.  Curl was greatly influenced by the celebrated work of Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), who, in Europe, had earned a reputation as one of the most distinguished figures in the evolution and development of modern dance.

At Bretton Hall, Gordon Curl's  influence on the development  of creative Movement and Dance was profound. He was later extensively involved in the original negotiations with the National Government's Department for Education & Science for the recognition of Dance in the National Curriculum.

Gordon's Reminiscence recalls  the influence of Rudolf Laban's ideas and methods during the 1950s when the approaches to  the teaching of Physical Education were undergoing revolutionary developments.

To read Gordon Curl's Reminiscence click on the link below

 Jewel in the Crown

David Newland images

The Photographic Collection of David Newland

Janet Dawson

Janet  Deakin (née Dawson)

1960-63  English



” I really enjoyed singing with the college choir, culminating in performances in Wakefield Cathedral, and one Christmas singing Britten’s ‘Ceremony of Carols’ (with Malcolm Nicholls playing the harpsichord)”. 


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Elsie Hutchinson

The Photographic Collection of  Elsie Hutchinson (née Williams)

 Student  1957-59


Elsie Williams joined the Bretton Community in September, 1957.  Her collection of photographs focuses on some of her contemporaries and a variety of activities.


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Keith Davies – images

The Photographic Collection of Keith Davies