Bretton Hall Essays’ book

At last! I am pleased to announce that the collection of essays, jointly edited by myself and John Taylor, is being published by Quacks Books of York on 25 September. Enclosed is the publisher’s pre-order flyer. If you could arrange for it to appear on the Alumni website, hopefully it might generate some interest.

You will recall that John and I had immense difficulty and delays in obtaining funding for the project, with the result that we have only managed a limited print run of 500 copies. Copies of the book can be obtained from YSP retail outlets or direct from Quacks Books at the address on the pre-order form.

This has been a very long journey for us to get the project to print and, sadly, John is no longer with us and was unable to see the book into print. It is dedicated to John’s memory.

We hope that everyone finds these essays of interest and a (valediction/testimony) record of a much-loved place.

Best wishes. Tony Denton.

(Bursar – 1982-92; YSP Treasurer 1982-1987; NAEA Trustee 1999-2009.)

The link for purchasing from YSP is as follows –


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Janet Dawson images

The Photographic Collection of Janet Deakin (née Dawson)

Janet Dawson - c. 1962

Janet Dawson c. 1962

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